รศ. ดร. วัชระ เพียรสุภาพ
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vachara Peansupap
Academic Title
Contact Information
CE Bldg. Rm 408
Phone: 0-2218-7860

- Ph.D. – RMIT University, Australia (2005)
- M.Eng. – Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (1997)
- B.Eng. – King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand (1994)
- Construction Innovation; Knowledge Management
- Construction Automation
- Productivity Improvement Virtual Reality
- Building information modeling (iBIM)
- Lean Construction; Quality Management
- Construction Health and Safety
- International Construction
- Disaster Management
Select Publications
- Laofor C. and Peansupap,V. (2012) “Defect detection and quantification system to support subjective visual quality inspection via a digital image processing: A tiling work case study”, Automation in Construction, Volume 24, July 2012, pp.160–174, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2012.02.012
- Peansupap, V. and Walker D.H.T. (2009) “Exploratory Factors Influencing Design Practice Learning Within a Thai Context”, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 16(3), pp.238-253, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09699980910951654
- Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T., (2006), “Information Communication Technology (ICT) Implementation Constraints: A Construction Industry Perspective”, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, Emerald, UK, 13, (4), pp. 364-379, doi:10.1108/09699980610680171
- Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T., (2006), “Innovation diffusion at the implementation stage of a construction project: a case study of information communication technology”, Construction Management and Economics, 24 (3), pp.321-332, doi:10.1080/01446190500435317
- Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T. (2005) “Factors Enabling Information and Communication Technology Diffusion and Actual Implementation in Construction Organisations”, Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), (Paper 2005/15) 10, pg. 193-218, http://www.itcon.org/2005/14
- Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T. (2005) “Diffusion of Information and Communication Technology: A Community of Practice Perspective.” Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry: A Socio-Technical Perspective. IGI Global, pp.90-111, doi:10.4018/978-1-59140-360-9.ch006
- Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T. (2005) “Exploratory factors influencing information and communication technology diffusion and adoption within Australian construction organizations: a micro analysis, Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 5 (3), pp.135-157, doi:10.1108/14714170510815221
- Peansupap.V and Walker D.H.T. (2005) “Factors affecting ICT Diffusion: A Case Study of Three Large Australian Construction Contractors”, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, Emerald, UK, 12 (1), pp.21-37, doi:10.1108/09699980510576871
Service in Professional Societies
- Council of Engineers
- American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE)