รศ. ดร. เสวกชัย ตั้งอร่ามวงศ์

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sawekchai Tangaramvong, Ph.D.

Academic Title


Contact Information

     CE Bldg. Rm 507
     Phone: 0-2218-7855


PhD in Structural Engineering, The University of New South Wales (2007)

MEngSc in Structural Engineering (High Distinction), The University of New South Wales (2002)

BEng in Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University (2001)

Grad Cert in Tertiary Teaching & Learning, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (2012)



  • Optimal design of new structures and rehabilitation of damaged structures, i.e. steel and composite structures.
  • Structural safety assessment of structures incorporating softening material, cohesive fracture, frictional contact and large deformation
  • Elastoplastic analysis of structures under instabilizing conditions
  • Limit and shakedown analysis of structures
  • Uncertainty analysis of structures and infrastructures
  • Mixed finite element and scaled boundary finite element methods
  • From CAD and digital imaging to fully automatic adaptive 3D analysis

Professional Experiences

     Lecturer in Structural Engineering (2017-Present) Department of Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
Lecturer in Structural Engineering (2016-2017) Department of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University
Lecturer in Structural Engineering (2013-2016) School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales
Lecturer in Infrastructural Engineering (2011-2013) School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
ARC Postdoctoral Fellow (2009-2011) School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales
Structural Consulting Engineer (2008-2009) Taylor Thomson Whitting (TTW) Pty Ltd, Australia

Select Publications

• Wu D, Gao W and Tangaramvong S (2017) Time-dependent buckling analysis of concrete-filled steel tubular arch (CFST) with interval viscoelastic effects. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. In-Press
• Piscesa B, Attard MM, Samani AK and Tangaramvong S (2017) A plasticity constitutive model for the stress-strain relationship of confined concrete. ACI Structural Journal 114, 361-371.
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F, Yang C and Gao W (2016) Response of steel structures under variations in semi-rigid connection properties. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 86, 83-95.
• Yang C, Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Gao W (2016) Influence of interval uncertainty on the behavior of geometrically nonlinear elastoplastic structures. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001618, 04016147.
• Wu D, Gao W, Wang C and Tangaramvong S (2016) Robust fuzzy structural safety assessment using mathematical programming approach. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 293, 30-49.
• Wu D, Gao W, Song C and Tangaramving S (2016) Probabilistic interval stability assessment for structures with mixed uncertainty. Structural Safety 58, 105-118.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2015) Optimal performance-based rehabilitation of steel frames using braces. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering 141, 04015015.
• Tangaramvong S, Wu D, Gao W and Tin-Loi F (2015) Response bounds of elastic structures in the presence of interval uncertainties. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering 141, 04015046.
• Tangaramvong S, Wu D and Gao W (2015) Interval limit analysis of rigid perfectly plastic structures. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 141, 06014016.
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F, Song CM and Gao W (2015) Interval limit analysis within a scaled boundary element framework. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B. Mechanical Engineering 1, 041004.
• Yang C, Tangaramvong S, Gao W and Tin-Loi F (2015) Interval elastoplastic analysis of structures. Computers & Structures 151, 1-10.
• Sambath Ky V, Tangaramvong S and Thepchatri T (2015) Numerical study of concentrically loaded concrete encased steel composite columns – strength and performance. Steel and Composite Structures 19, 1237-1258.
• Wu D, Gao W, Li G, Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2015) Robust assessment of collapse resistance of structures under uncertain loads based on Info-gap model. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 285, 208-227.
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Gao W (2014) Optimal retrofit of moment resisting frames using braces accounting for geometric nonlinearity and serviceability conditions. Engineering Structures 80, 189-199.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2014) Topology optimization of softening structures under displacement constraints as an MPEC, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 49, 299-314.
• Wu D, Gao W, Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2014) Robust stability analysis of structures with uncertain parameters using mathematical programming approach. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 100, 720-745.
• Minh Do D, Gao W, Song CM and Tangaramvong S (2014) Dynamic analysis and reliability assessment of structures with uncertain-but-bounded parameters under stochastic process excitations. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 132, 46-59.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2014) Optimal retrofitting of structures using braces. Applied Mechanics and Materials 553, 807-812.
• Yang C, Tin-Loi F, Tangaramvong S and Gao W (2014) A complementarity approach for elastoplastic analysis of frames with uncertainties. Applied Mechanics and Materials 553, 594-599.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2013) Automatic identification of the worst load combination for structural safety assessment using an optimization approach. Engineering Structures 56, 2287-2298.
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F, Wu D and Gao W (2013) Mathematical programming approaches for obtaining sharp collapse load bounds in interval limit analysis, Computers & Structures 125, 114-126.
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Gao W (2013) Efficient NLP approaches for direct computation of collapse load bounds of structures under interval inputs, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science 3, 1634-1639.
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Song Ch (2012) A direct complementarity approach for the elastoplastic analysis of plane stress and plane strain structures, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 90:838-886.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2012) An FE-MPEC approach for limit load evaluation in the presence of contact and displacement constraints, International Journal of Solids and Structures 49:1753-1763.
• Vimonsatit V, Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2012) Second-order elastoplastic analysis of semirigid steel frames under cyclic loading, Engineering Structures 45:127-136.
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Senjuntichai T (2011) An MPEC approach for the critical post-collapse behavior of rigid-plastic structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures 48:2732-2742.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2011) Mathematical programming approaches for the safety assessment of semirigid elastoplastic frames, International Journal of Solids and Structures 48:1011–1023.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2011) Collapse load evaluation of structures with frictional contact supports under combined stresses, Computers & Structures 89:1050–1058.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2010) A constrained non-linear system approach for the solution of an extended limit analysis problem, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 82:995-1021.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2010) The influence of geometric effects on the behavior of strain softening frames, Computational Mechanics 46:661-678.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2009) Optimal plastic synthesis of structures with unilateral supports involving frictional contact, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 49: 269-296.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2009) Extended limit analysis of strain softening frames involving 2nd-order geometric nonlinearity and limited ductility, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 42: 217-256.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2009) Limit analysis of elastoplastic frames considering 2nd-order geometric nonlinearity and displacement constraints, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 51: 179-191.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2008) Simultaneous ultimate load and deformation analysis of strain softening frames under combined stresses, Engineering Structures 30: 664-674.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2007) A complementarity approach for elastoplastic analysis of strain softening frames under combined bending and axial force, Engineering Structures 29: 742-753.
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2007) Limit analysis of strain softening steel frames under pure bending, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 63: 1151-1159.
• Tin-Loi F, Tangaramvong S and Xia SH (2007) Limit analysis of frames involving unilateral supports with frictional contact, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 49: 454-465.

• Mellati A, Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Song C (2016) An adaptive elastic scaled boundary finite element approach for limit analysis of structures (Proceedings, 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, 6-9 December 2016, Perth, Australia).
• Wu D, Gao W and Tangaramvong S (2016) Unified stochastic and non-stochastic static analysis of structures (Proceedings, 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, 6-9 December 2016, Perth, Australia).
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2015) Structural optimization under complementarity constraints (Proceedings, 11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation, 7-12 June 2015, Sydney, Australia).
• Mellati A, Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Song C (2015) Iterative limit analysis of structures within a scaled boundary finite element framework, Eds: Onate E, Owen DRJ, Peric D and Chiumenti M (Proceedings, XIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications, 1-3 September 2015, Barcelona, Spain).
• Tangaramvong S, Yang C, Tin-Loi F and Gao W (2014) Direct determination of critical bounds to elastoplastic responses of structures with interval material properties (Proceedings, 23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, 9-12 December 2014, Byron Bay, Australia).
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Gao W (2014) Interval limit analysis of structures with uncertain but non-probabilistic applied forces (Proceedings, Second International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management, 13-16 July 2014, Liverpool, UK).
• Wang C, Gao W and Tangaramvong S (2014) Hybrid probabilistic and non-probabilistic analysis of structures with mixed uncertainties (Proceedings, Second International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management, 13-16 July 2014, Liverpool, UK).
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2013) Direct determination of critical load combinations for elastoplastic structures subject to multiple load cases (Proceedings, 5th Asia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 11-14 December 2013, Singapore). (Keynote Presentation)
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Gao W (2013) Efficient NLP approaches for direct computation of collapse load bounds of structures under interval inputs (Proceedings, the World Congress on Engineering 2013, 3-5 July 2013, London).
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2013) Optimal retrofitting of structures using braces (Proceedings, 1st Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, 3-4 October 2013, Sydney).
• Yang C, Tin-Loi F, Tangaramvong S and Gao W (2013) A complementarity approach for elastoplastic analysis of frames with uncertainties (Proceedings, 1st Australasian Conference on Computational Mechanics, 3-4 October 2013, Sydney).
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Song Ch (2012) Limit analysis in the presence of plasticity and contact (Proceedings, 22nd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, 11-14 December 2012, Sydney).
• Tangaramvong S, Tin-Loi F and Xie YM (2012) Topology optimization under displacement and softening constraints (Proceedings, 22nd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, 11-14 December 2012, Sydney).
• Wu D, Gao W, Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2012) Uncertain limit analysis of structures with interval parameters (Proceedings, 22nd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, 11-14 December 2012, Sydney).
• Wu D, Gao W, Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2012) Limit analysis with uncertain-but-bounded parameters by kinematic approach (Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Computational Methods, 25-27 November 2012, Gold Coast).
• Tangaramvong S (2012) A direct mathematical programming approach for elastoplastic analysis of structures under cyclic loading, AES-ATEMA International Conference Series – Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and Their Applications, pp 47-54 (Proceeding, 10th AES-ATEMA International Conference on Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and Their Applications, 18-22 June 2012, Montreal, Canada).
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2011) Collapse load evaluation of structures with frictional contact supports under combined stresses, Ed: Bathe KJ (Proceedings, 6th M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 15-17 June 2011, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, U.S.A.).
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2010) Analysis and plastic synthesis of frames involving frictional contacts, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10: 012152 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012152 (Proceedings, 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 19-23 July 2010, Sydney).
• Tin-Loi F and Tangaramvong S (2010) Some engineering mechanics applications of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints, Ed: Tizani W, 6 pages (Electronic Proceedings, International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 30 June – 2 July 2010, The University of Nottingham, U.K.).
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2009) Elastoplastic analysis of frames involving physical and geometric instabilizing effects, In: Progress in Structural Stability and Dynamics, Ed: Rasheed HA, The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction, pp 224-232 (Proceedings, IJSSD Symposium, 16-19 December 2009, Hong Kong).
• Tin-Loi F and Tangaramvong S (2009) Extended limit analysis of elastic perfectly plastic structures accounting for geometric nonlinearity, In: Progress in Structural Stability and Dynamics, Ed: Rasheed HA, The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction, pp 216-223 (Proceedings, IJSSD Symposium, 16-19 December 2009, Hong Kong).
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2007) Limit analysis of strain softening frames allowing for geometric nonlinearity, Eds: Veidt M, Albermani F, Daniel B, Griffiths J, Hargreaves D, McAree R, Meehan P and Tan A, Engineers Australia, pp 557-562 (Proceedings, 5th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, 10-12 December 2007, Queensland).
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2006) Combined limit and deformation analysis of strain softening structures, In: Progress in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Eds: Moss PJ and Dhakal RP, pp 235-241 (Proceedings, 19th Australasian Biennial Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, 29 November – 1 December 2006, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand).
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2006) Elastoplastic analysis of strain softening structures: a mathematical programming approach, In: Analytical and Computational Methods, Eds: Kanok-Nukulchai W, Munasinghe S and Anwar N, pp 101-106 (Proceedings, 10th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction EASEC-10, 3-5 August 2006, Bangkok, Thailand).
• Tin-Loi F and Tangaramvong S (2006) Limit analysis of frames with constraints on plastic deformations and displacements, In: Analytical and Computational Methods, Eds: Kanok-Nukulchai W, Munasinghe S and Anwar N, pp 119-124 (Proceedings, 10th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction EASEC-10, 3-5 August 2006, Bangkok, Thailand).
• Tin-Loi F and Tangaramvong S (2006) Plastic limit analysis and strain softening frames, Eds: Kreiner J and Putcha C, pp 114-119 (Proceedings, 1st California Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics 12-14 January 2006, California State University, Fullerton).
• Tangaramvong S and Tin-Loi F (2005) Inelastic analysis of strain softening frames, Eds: Stewart MG and Dockrill B, 10 pages CDROM (Proceedings, Australian Structural Engineering Conference, 11-14 September 2005, Newcastle).
• Tin-Loi F and Tangaramvong S (2005) An MPEC approach to limit analysis under limited ductility, In: Advances in Applied Mechanics, Eds: Xie YM, Mouritz A, Khatibi AA, Gardiner C and Chiu WK, Institute of Materials Engineering, Australasia Ltd, pp 177-182 (Proceedings, 4th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, 16-18 February 2005, Melbourne).
• Tin-Loi F and Tangaramvong S (2004) Limit analysis accounting for limited rotation capacity, In: Developments in Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Eds: Deeks AJ and Hao H, Balkema Publishers, pp 1297-1301 (Proceedings, 18th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, 1-3 December 2004, Perth).

Service in Professional Societies

• Chartered Professional Engineer, Engineers Australia ( Structural &Civil )
• National Engineering Register, Engineers Australia ( Structural & Civil )
• Member, Engineers Australia ( Structural & Civil )
• Member, Engineering Institute of Thailand
• Member, International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
• Member, Australian Steel Institute
• Member, Australian Association for Steel-Concrete Composite Structures
• Member, International Association of Engineers
• Member, Australian Association of Computational Mechanics
• Member, International Association of Computational Mechanics
• Member, Technical Committee for The First (and Second) Australasia and South-East Asia Structural Engineering and Construction Conference
• กรรมการ ในคณะกรรมการสาขาวิธีเชิงคอมพิวเตอร์ในวิศวกรรม สมาคมวิศวกรรมสถานแห่งประเทศไทย ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์
• อนุกรรมการสาขาโครงสร้างเหล็ก ในคณะกรรมการวิชาการสาขาวิศวกรรมโยธา สมาคมวิศวกรรมสถานแห่งประเทศไทย ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์

• ARC Discovery Project (DP160103919) “Unified Nondeterministic Framework for Dynamic Safety Assessment of Softening Structures” (with W. Gao and Y.-L. Pi), 2016-2018, $390,000
• ARC Discovery Project (DP150103747) “From CAD and digital imaging to fully automatic adaptive 3D scaled boundary analysis for monotonic and shakedown loadings” (with C. Song and F. Tin-Loi), 2015-2017, $384,700
• UNSW Faculty Research Grant “Optimal Strut-and-Tie Design of 3D Reinforced Concrete Structures with Strain-Softening and Serviceability Conditions”, 2015, $30,000