ศ. ดร. ศักดิ์สิทธิ์ เฉลิมพงศ์
Prof. Dr. Saksith Chalermpong
Academic Title
Contact Information
CE Bldg. Rm 526
Phone: 0-2218-6695

- Ph.D. University of California, Irvine, USA (2002)
- S.M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (1998)
- B.Eng. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (1995)
- Urban Transportation Planning
- Transportation System Analysis
- Transportation Economics, Finance, and Policy
Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Aghaabbasi, M. and Chalermpong, S., 2023. A meta-analytic review of the association between the built environment and integrated usage of rail transport and bike-sharing. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 21, 100860.
- Chalermpong, S., Ratanawaraha, A. and Anuchitchanchai, O., 2023. Motorcycle taxis’ varying degrees of complementarity and substitution with public transit in Bangkok. Journal of Transport Geography, 108,.103557.
- Thaithatkul, P., Chalermpong, S., Laosinwattana, W., Liang, J. and Kato, H., 2023. The relationship between RHA use and car purchases: Trends emerging in Bangkok, Thailand. Asian Transport Studies, 9, p.100095.
- Irawan, M. Z., Joewono, T. B., Belgiawan, P. F., Chalermpong, S., and Thaithatkul, P., 2022. Examining the ride-hailing adoption behaviors among older adults in an Indonesian city: The case of Yogyakarta. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 16, 100729.
- Thaithatkul, P., Chalermpong, S., Laosinwattana, W., Liang, J. and Kato, H., 2023. Car versus motorcycle ride-hailing applications: user behaviors and adoption factors in Bangkok, Thailand. Case Studies on Transport Policy, p.100950.
- Chullabodhi, C., Chalermpong, S. and Ratanawaraha, A., 2022. Examining the Root Causes of On-Street Parking Mismanagement in Central Bangkok. Nakhara: Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 21(1), pp.207-207.
- Thaithatkul, P., Chalermpong, S., Laosinwattana, W. and Kato, H., 2022. Mobility, Activities, and Happiness in Old Age: Case of the Elderly in Bangkok. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(2), pp. 1462-1471.
- Irawan, M.Z., Rizki, M., Chalermpong, S. and Kato, H., 2022. Mapping the motorcycle-based ride-hailing users in Yogyakarta: An analysis of socio-economic factors and preferences. Asian Transport Studies, 8, p.100073.
- Chalermpong, S., Kato, H., Thaithatkul, P., Ratanawaraha, A., Fillone, A., Hoang-Tung, N. and Jittrapirom, P., 2022. Ride-hailing applications in Southeast Asia: A literature review. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, pp.1-21.
- Thaithatkul, P., Anuchitchanchai, O., Srisurin, P., Sanghatawatana, P., Chalermpong, S., 2021. Ride-Hailing Applications in Bangkok: Determining Service Quality, Passenger Satisfaction, and Loyalty. International Journal of Technology. 12(5), pp. 903-913
- Srisurin, P. and Chalermpong, S., 2021. Analyzing Human, Roadway, Vehicular and Environmental Factors Contributing to Fatal Road Traffic Crashes in Thailand. Engineering Journal, 25(10), pp.27-38.
- Ratanawaraha, A. and Chalermpong, S., 2021. Operational models, drivers’ compensation, and bus service quality in Bangkok. Engineering Journal, 25(3), pp.85-94.
- Chalermpong, S., P. Thaithatkul, O. Anuchitchanchai, and P. Sanghatawatana. 2021. Land use regression modeling for fine particulate matters in Bangkok, Thailand, using time-variant predictors: Effects of seasonal factors, open biomass burning, and traffic-related factors. Atmospheric Environment, 246, February 1, 2021.
- Chullabodhi, C., S. Chalermpong, A. Ratanawaraha, and H. Kato. 2020. Assessing Minimum Parking Requirements and Parking Capacities of Residential Development in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2674, No. 11, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.
- Ratanawaraha, A., S. Chalermpong, and P. Samnakorn. 2019. How Vehicle Types and Operator’s Legal Status Affect Safety of Interprovincial Buses in Thailand. Engineering Journal, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 35-47. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4186/ej.2019.23.1.35
- Phun, V. K., H. Kato and S. Chalermpong. 2019. Paratransit as a connective mode for mass transit systems in Asian developing cities: Case of Bangkok in the era of ride-hailing services. Transport Policy, Vol. 75, pp. 27-35.
- Ratanawaraha, A. and S. Chalermpong. 2018. How Operators’ Legal Status Affects Safety of Intercity Buses in Thailand. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2672, No. 31, pp. 99-109, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., May 7, 2018. DOI: 10.1177/0361198118758286
- Chalermpong, S., A. Ratanawaraha, N. Maneenoi, and C. Chullabodhi. 2018. User Characteristics and Effectiveness of Park-and-Ride Facility in Bangkok, Thailand. Engineering Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 1-10.