ศ. ดร. จรูญ รุ่งอมรรัตน์
Prof. Dr. Jaroon Rungamornrat
Academic Title
Contact Information
CE Bldg. Rm 513
Phone: 0-2218-7854

- Ph.D. in Mechanics Engineering, University of Taxas at Austin, U.S.A. (2004)
- M.S. in Structural Engineering, University of Taxas at Austin, U.S.A. (2000)
- B.Eng. in Civil Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (1997, 1st class honor, gold medal)
- Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: Solid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Nano-mechanics, Mechanics of Smart Media
- Computational Techniques: FEM, SGBEM, SGBEM-FEM Coupling
- Hydraulic Fracture Modeling
- Nonlinear Structural Modeling and Analysis
Professional Experiences
- Associate Professor (2013 – present) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
- Assistant Professor (2008 – 2013) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
- Lecturer (2006 – 2008) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
- Postdoctoral fellow (2004 – 2006) Center for Subsurface Modeling (CSM), Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), University of Texas at Austin
- Teaching assistant (2001 – 2004) Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Texas at Austin
- Research assistant (1998 – 2001) Department of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
- Structural Engineer (1997 – 1998) Metric Company Limited, Bangkok, Thailand
Select Publications
International Journals
- Williamson EB, and Rungamornrat J “Numerical analysis of dynamic stability under random excitation”, Engineering Structures 2002, 24(4), pp.479-490
- Rungamornrat J, Wheeler MF “Weakly-singular integral equations for Darcy’s flow in anisotropic porous media”. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2006, 30(4), pp.237-246
- Rungamornrat J, “Analysis of 3D cracks in anisotropic multi-material domain with weakly singular SGBEM”, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2006, 30(10), pp.834-846
- Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T, “Modeling of crack front singularity in 3D piezoelectromagnetic media by weakly singular SGBEM”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2007, 936, pp. 484-487
- Rungamornrat J, Mear ME “Weakly-singular, weak-form integral equations for cracks in three-dimensional anisotropic media”. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2008, 45(5), pp.1283-1301.
- Rungamornrat J, Mear ME “A weakly-singular SGBEM for analysis of cracks in 3D anisotropic media”. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2008, 197(49-50), pp.4319-4332.
- Rungamornrat J, Mear ME “Analysis of fractures in 3D piezoelectric media by a weakly singular integral equation method”. International Journal of Fractures 2008, 151, pp.1-27.
- Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T, “Singularity-reduced integral representations for discontinuity in smart materials”. Advanced Materials Research 2008, 47-50 Part 2, pp.789-792.
- Kachanov M, Mear ME, Rungamornrat J, Sevostianov I “Resistances of non-flat cracks and their relation to crack compliances”. International Journal of Engineering Science 2009, 47, pp.754-766.
- Rungamornrat J “Modeling of flow in three-dimensional, multi-zone, anisotropic, porous media with weakly singular integral equation method”. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE 2009, 135(8), pp.828-838.
- Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T “Regularized Boundary Integral Representations for Dislocations and Cracks in Smart Media”. Smart Materials and Structures 2009, 18, 074010 (14pp).
- Phongtinnaboot W, Rungamornrat J, Chintanapakdee C “Modeling of Cracks in 3D piezoelectric finite media by weakly singular SGBEM”. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2011, 35, pp.319-329.
- Rungamornrat J, Mear ME “SGBEM-FEM coupling for analysis of cracks in 3D anisotropic media”. International Journal for numerical methods in Engineering 2011, 86, pp.224-248.
- Intarit P, Senjuntichai T, Rungamornrat J, Rajapakse RKND “Surface Elasticity and Residual Stress Effect on the Elastic Field of a Nanoscale Elastic Layer”. Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, 2011, 4(2), pp.85-105.
- Rungamornrat J, Sripirom S “Stress Analysis of Three-dimensional Media Containing Localized Zone by FEM-SGBEM Coupling”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2011, Article Number 702082, 27 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/702082.
- Rungamornrat J, Tangnovarad P “Analysis of Linearly Elastic Inextensible Frames Undergoing Large Displacement and Rotation”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2011, Article Number 592958, 37 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/592958.
- Pinyochotiwong Y, Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T, “Analysis of rigid frictionless indentation on half-space with surface elasticity”. Procedia Engineering 2011, 14, pp. 2403-2410.
- Boonphennimit P, Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T, “Thermo-electro-mechanical behavior of finite piezocomposites cylinder”. Advanced Materials Research 2013, 740, pp.368-373.
- Pinyochotiwong Y, Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T, “Rigid frictionless indentation on elastic half space with influence of surface stresses”. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2013, 71, pp. 15-35.
International Conferences and Proceedings (last 5 years)
- Rungamornrat J, “Determination of strength of singularity induced by discontinuity in a three-dimensional, linear, finite domain”. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fracture 2009, ICF-12, vol. 2, pp. 1246-1255, Ottawa, Canada, July 12-17, 2009.
- Phongtinnaboot W, Rungamornrat J, Chintanapakdee C, “Modeling of cracks in 3D piezoelectric finite bodies by weakly singular SGBEM”. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Chiangmai, Thailand, October 31-November 2, 2009.
- Tangnovarad P, Rungamornrat J, “Large curvature analysis of linear elastic, inextensible structures by direct stiffness method”. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Chiangmai, Thailand, October 31-November 2, 2009.
- Rungamornrat J, Phongtinnaboot W, Chabsuwan W, “Numerical simulation of cracks in 3D piezoelectric media under various electrical boundary conditions”. Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Fracture: Fracture of Materials and Structures form Micro to Macro Scale, Dresden, Germany, August 30- September 3, 2010.
- Pinyochotiwong Y, Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T, “Analysis of rigid frictionless indentation on half-space with surface elasticity”. Proceedings of the Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Hong Kong SAR, China, January 26-28, 2011.
- Pinyochotiwong Y, Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T, “Solutions of indentation problem with surface elasticity”. Proceedings of the 5th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2011), Pluket, Thailand, May 2-3, 2011.
- Phongtinnaboot W, Rungamornrat J, Chintanapakdee C, “Influence of electrical boundary conditions on intensity factors of piezoelectric cracked media”. Proceedings of The Janpan-Thailand-Laos P.D.R. Joint Friendship International Conference on Applied Electrical and Mechanical Engineering 2011, Nhongkai, Thailand, September 21-23, 2011.
- Douanevanh J, Rungamornrat J, Thepvongsa K, Wijeyewickrema AC., “Semi-analytical technique for large displacement and rotation analysis of 2D frames”. Proceedings of The Janpan-Thailand-Laos P.D.R. Joint Friendship International Conference on Applied Electrical and Mechanical Engineering 2011, Nhongkai, Thailand, September 21-23, 2011.
- Intarit P, Senjuntichai T, Rungamornrat J, Rajapakse RKND, “Stress Analysis of Penny-shaped Crack Considering the Effects of Surface Elasticity”. Proceedings of 20th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering (ICCE-20), Ramada Beijing North Hotel, Beijing, P.R. China, July 22-28, 2012.
- Boonphennimit P, Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T, “Thermo-electro-mechanical behavior of finite piezocomposites cylinder”. Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Materials, Mechatronics and Automation (ICMMA 2013), Singapore, April 21-22, 2013
- Nguyen BT, Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T, Wijeyewickrema AC, “Modeling of planar cracks in 3D elastic media considering the effects of surface elasticity by using FEM-SGBEM coupling”. Proceedings of Verhandlungen (der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft), Regensburg, Germany, March 10-15, 2013
- Nguyen BT, Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T, Wijeyewickrema AC, “FEM-SGBEM coupling for modeling of cracks in three-dimensional elastic media with influence of surface stresses”. Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Fracture (ICF13), Beijing, China, June 16-21, 2013
National Conferences and Proceedings (last 5 years)
- Danmongkoltip P, Rungamornrat J “Large curvature analysis of nonlinear elastic inextensible, cantilever beam”. Proceedings of the 14th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Nakornrachasima, May 13-15, 2009.
- Watcharakorn N, Atthavongpisarn B, Rungamornrat J “Estimation of elastic buckling load using adaptive basis functions”. Proceedings of the 14th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Nakornrachasima, May 13-15, 2009.
- Pinyochotiwong Y, Pinitpanich M, Rungamornrat J “Analysis of nonlinear elastic beams by direct stiffness method”. Proceedings of the 14th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Nakornrachasima, May 13-15, 2009.
- Tuttipongsawat P, Tanawiput K, Rungamornrat J “Influence of Initial Twist on Elastic Flexural Buckling Load of Columns”. Proceedings of the 16th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Pattaya, Chonburi, May 18-20, 2011.
- Suisut K, Rungamornrat J “Influence of Thickness on Distribution of Stress Intensity Factors”. Proceedings of the 16th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Pattaya, Chonburi, May 18-20, 2011.
- Watcharakorn N, Rungamornrat J “Determination of Buckling Load by Adaptive Shape Functions”. Proceedings of the 16th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Pattaya, Chonburi, May 18-20, 2011.
- Sinsamutpadung N, Techawongsakorn T, Rungamornrat J “Use of Small-Rotation Approximation and Co-rotational Formulations in Modeling Large Displacement and Rotation of 2D Frames”. Proceedings of the 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Centara Hotel & Convention Centre, UdonThani, May 9-11, 2012.
- Boonphennimit P, Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T. “Transient Response of Thermopiezoelectric Finite Composite Cylinder”. Proceedings of the 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Centara Hotel & Convention Centre, UdonThani, May 9-11, 2012.
- Tuttipongsawat P, Rungamornrat J, Senjuntichai T. “Infinite Elastic Layer under Surface Loads and Influence of Surface Stresses”. Proceedings of the 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Centara Hotel & Convention Centre, UdonThani, May 9-11, 2012.
- Prasertsri T, Lenwari A, Rungamornrat J “Analysis of Compressive Stress-strain Relationships of Concrete Cylinders Confined with Fiber-reinforced Polymer Sheets”. Proceedings of the 17th National Convention on Civil Engineering, Centara Hotel & Convention Centre, UdonThani, May 9-11, 2012. (in Thai)
- Woonprasert S, Lenwari A, Rungamornrat J “Compressive behavior of fire-damaged concrete cylinders repaired with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer sheets”. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Concrete Conference, Amari Orchid Hotel, Pattaya, Chonburi, October 25-26, 2012. (in Thai)
- Sihanartkatakul S, Kanchanakitcharoen P, Rungamornrat J “Large displacement and rotation analysis of nonlinear elastic frames by adaptive small-rotation-based technique”. Proceedings of the 18th National Convention on Civil Engineering, The Empress Hotel, Chiang Mai, May 8-10, 2013.
- Kamolwatcharachai N, Sresakoolchai J, Rungamornrat J “Modeling of 2D linear elastic frames accounted for nonlinear kinematics and shear deformation”. Proceedings of the 18th National Convention on Civil Engineering, The Empress Hotel, Chiang Mai, May 8-10, 2013.
Service in Professional Societies
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