ศ. ดร. อาณัติ เรืองรัศมี
Prof. Dr. Anat Ruangrassamee, Ph.D.
Academic Title
Contact Information
CE Bldg. Rm 508
Phone: 0-2218-7853

- Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (2001)
- M.Eng. (Civil Engineering) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (1998)
- B.Eng. (Civil Engineering) Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (1996)
- Earthquake engineering
- Seismic design of bridges
- Seismic strengthening of reinforced-concrete structures
- Effect of tsunamis on structures
- Tsunami modeling
Select Publications
- Energy-dissipating mechanical splice
- Seismic strengthening by ferrocement with expanded metal (pending)
International Journal Papers
- Ejaz, A., Ruangrassamee, A., Kruavit, P., Udomworarat, P., Wijeyewickrema, A.C., Strengthening of substandard lap splices using hollow steel section (HSS) collars, Structures, 2022, 46, pp. 128–145.
- Joyklad, P., Ali, N., Chaiyasarn, K., Poovarodom, N., Yooprasertchai, E., Maqbool, H., Ruangrassamee, A., Hussain, Q., Improvement of stress-strain behavior of brick-waste aggregate concrete using low-cost FCSM composites, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 351, 128946.
- Hussain, Q., Ruangrassamee, A., Joyklad, P., Wijeyewickrema, A.C., Shear Enhancement of RC Beams Using Low-Cost Natural Fiber Rope Reinforced Polymer Composites, Buildings, 2022, 12(5), 602.
- Tun, Z.Z., Ruangrassamee, A., Hussain, Q., Mitigation of Tsunami Debris Impact on Reinforced Concrete Buildings by Fender Structures, Buildings, 2022, 12(1), 66.
- Leelawat, N., Laosunthara, A., Tang, J., Suppasri, A., Ruangrassamee, A., Akkharaprathompong, P., Imamura, F., The 2011 great east Japan earthquake and tsunami: A message from Japan to Thailand, Journal of Disaster Research, 2021, 16(6), pp. 908–913.
- Hussain, Q., Ruangrassamee, A., Tangtermsirikul, S., Joyklad, P., Wijeyewickrema, A.C., Low-cost fiber rope reinforced polymer (FRRP) confinement of square columns with different corner Radii, Buildings, 2021, 11(8), 355.
- Hussain, Q., Ruangrassamee, A., Tangtermsirikul, S., Joyklad, P., Behavior of concrete confined with epoxy bonded fiber ropes under axial load, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 263, 120093.
- Foytong, P., Ornthammarath, T., Arjwech, R., …Ruangrassamee, A., Chindaprasirt, P., Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of North-Eastern Thailand, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, 24(6), pp. 1845–1857.
- Muangnoi, N., Foytong, P., Janpila, A., Boonpichetvong, M., Areemit, N., Pannachet, T. and Ruangrassamee, A., Behavior of industrial building under seismic loading, International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol. 18, Issue 69, pp. 67-73, 2020.
- Janpila, A,, Foytong, P., Tirapat, S., Thanasisathit, N., and Ruangrassamee, A., The optimal method for building damage fragility curve development, International Journal of GEOMATE, Vol. 18, Issue 69, pp. 74-80, 2020.
- Kruavit, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Hussain, Q., Experimental and analytical study on reinforcing steels with threaded mechanical couplers under monotonic and cyclic loadings, Engineering Journal, 2020, 24(3), pp. 61–70.
- Longthong, S., Panyakapo, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Seismic strengthening of RC frame and brick infill panel using ferrocement and expanded metal, Engineering Journal, 2020, 24(3), pp. 45–59.
- Theint, P.S., Ruangrassamee, A., Hussain, Q., Strengthening of shear-critical RC columns by highstrength steel-rod collars, Engineering Journal, 2020, 24(3), pp. 107–128.
- Panyamul, S., Panyakapo, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Seismic shear strengthening of reinforced concrete short columns using ferrocement with expanded metal, Engineering Journal, 2019, 23(6), pp. 175–189
- Leeanansaksiri, A., Panyakapo, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Seismic capacity of masonry infilled RC frame strengthening with expanded metal ferrocement, Engineering Structures, 159, pp. 110-127, 2018.
- Ruangrassamee, A., Palasri, C., Lukkunaprasit, P., Bi-Directional Pseudo-Acceleration Response Spectra, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 10(2), 2016.
- Janpila, A., Foytong, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Areemit, N., Deterministic seismic hazard analysis in Thailand using active fault data, International Journal of Technology, 7 (7), pp. 1196-1204, 2016.
- Lukkunaprasit, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Boonyatee, T., Chintanapakdee, C., Jankaew, K., Thanasisathit, N. and Chandrangsu, T., Performance of structures in the Mw 6.1 Mae Lao earthquake in Thailand on May 5, 2014 and implications for future construction, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 20(2), 2016.
- Foytong, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Lukkunaprasit, P., Thanasisathit, N., Behaviours of reinforced-concrete building under tsunami loading, IES Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering, 8 (2), pp. 101-110, 2015.
- Srivihok, P. , Honda, K., Ruangrassamee, A., Muangsin, V., Naparat, P., Foytong, P., Promdumrong, N., Aphimaeteethomrong, P., Intavee, A., Layug, J.E., Kosin, T., Development of an online tool for tsunami inundation simulation and tsunami loss estimation, Continental Shelf Research 79, pp. 3-15, 2014.
- Greenslade, D.J.M., Annunziato, A., Babeyko, A.Y., Burbidge, D.R., Ellguth, E., Horspool, N., Srinivasa Kumar, T., Kumar, C.P., Moore, C.W., Rakowsky, N., Riedlinger, T., Ruangrassamee, A., Srivihok, P., Titov, V.V., An assessment of the diversity in scenario-based tsunami forecasts for the Indian Ocean, Continental Shelf Research, 79, pp. 36-45, 2014.
- Suppasri, A., Koshimura, S., Imamura, F., Ruangrassamee, A., Foytong, P., A review of tsunami damage assessment methods and building performance in Thailand, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 7(5), 2013.
- Foytong, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Lukkunaprasit, P., Correlation analysis of a reinforced-concrete building under tsunami load pattern and effect of masonry infill walls on tsunami load resistance, IES Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering, 6 (3), pp. 173-184, 2013.
- Foytong, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Shoji, G., Hiraki, Y., Ezura, Y., Document Analysis of tsunami flow velocities during the March 2011 Tohoku, Japan, Tsunami, Earthquake Spectra, 29, 2013.
- Ruangrassamee, A. and Saowaroj, A. Seismic enhancement of reinforced-concrete columns by rebar-restraining collars, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2012.
- Lukkunaprasit, P., Lau, T.L., Ruangrassamee, A., Ohmachi, T., Tsunami wave loading on a bridge deck with perforations, Science of Tsunami Hazards 30 (4), pp. 244-252, 2011.
- Palasri, C. and Ruangrassamee, A. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps of Thailand, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, Vol. 4, No. 4 (2010) 369–386.
- Lau, T.L., Lukkunaprasit, P., Ruangrassamee, A., and Ohmachi, T. Performance of Bridges with Solid and Perforated Parapets in Resisting Tsunami Attacks, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2010) 95–104.
- Lukkunaprasit, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Stitmannaithum, B., Chintanapakdee, C., and Thanasisathit, N., Calibration of Tsunami Loading on a Damaged Building, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2010) 105–114.
- Ruangrassamee, A. and Saelem, N. Effect of Tsunamis generated in the Manila Trench on the Gulf of Thailand, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 56-66, 2009.
- Yanagisawa, H., Koshimura, S., Goto, K., Miyagi, T., Imamura, F., Ruangrassamee, A., Tanavud, C., The reduction effects of mangrove forest on a tsunami based on field surveys at Pakarang Cape, Thailand and numerical analysis, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,Volume 81, Issue 1, Pages 27-37, 1 January 2009.
- Yanagisawa, H., Koshimura, S., Goto, K., Miyagi, T., Imamura, F., Ruangrassamee, A., Tanavud C., Damage to Mangrove Forest by 2004 Tsunami at Pakarang Cape and Namkem, Thailand, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 18 No. 1, 2009.
- Lukkunaprasit, P., Ruangrassamee, A., Building Damage in Thailand in 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and Clues for Tsunami-Resistant Design , The IES Journal, Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering 1 (1), pp. 17-30, 2008.
- Ruangrassamee, A., Yanagisawa, H., Foytong, P., Lukkunaprasit, P., Koshimura, S., and Imamura, F. Investigation on Tsunami-Induced Damage and Fragility of Buildings in Thailand, Journal of Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Earthquake Spectra, Volume 22, Issue S3, June 2006, pp. S377-S401.
- Ruangrassamee, A, Srisamai, W., and Lukkunaprasit, P., Response mitigation of the base isolated benchmark building by semi-active control with the viscous-plus-variable-friction damping force algorithm, Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring Engineering No. 2, Vol. 13, 2006.
- Ruangrassamee, A. and Kawashima, K., Seismic Response Control of a Cable-Stayed Bridge by Variable Dampers, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, No. 1, Vol. 10, 2006.
- Ruangrassamee, A. and Kawashima, K., Control of Nonlinear Bridge Response with Pounding Effect by Variable Dampers, Engineering Structures, Volume 25, Issue 5, April 2003, Pages 593-606.
- Ruangrassamee, A. and Kawashima, K., Relative Displacement Response Spectra with Pounding Effect, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 30, 2001, pp. 1511-1538.